


I had an aim to self-assess what skills do I have to listening tasks, especially how I can understand the authentic speech.

I have listened a podcast from BBC World Service. This podcast is about the Haiti rebuilding. I have listened it twice and it was rather easy for me to understand. I have heard some words which I had learned on my English lessons.

Well, on January, 12, 2010, there was the strongest earthquake in Haiti, as the result more then 2000 people were died. So there are a lot of discussions about the reconstruction of everything in Haiti now. I have listened an interview with the Haiti businessman Alexander Frixne. He had had the store before the disaster and now he had lost his business, he had lost his family, so he had nothing. But he said that he was ready to restart his business due to the banks which gave loans. So it means that some people in Haiti are ready to help and rebuild everything around.

But the Canadian Prime-Ministre said that a decade is needed to rebuild Haiti. Moreover Pall Kollie, the Oxford University economics professor, is approved that there was no plan what to do. He said that there was no authorities. Professor said that nobody wanted to coordinate the work and nobody wanted to be coordinated. He thought Haiti should have one national and one international persons to plan everything. As the other woman said that the government could manage all the assets to rebuilt and all physical and financial assets that was receiving from charities.

To sum up I would like to say, that strong disasters are always unpredictable. Nobody can say how strong it would be. And it is always difficult to start everything from nothing.

These podcasts helped me to realize how well I am ready to pass my English exam.

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